Is Earth Hour Destined to Disappoint?

Today I take a small break from ranting and leave it to the professionals. Christopher Hume of the Toronto Star wrote a very poignant article about Earth Hour 2008 in Toronto that I would like to share with you. I realize that although I protest (in a previous post) that Earth Hour seems to be a waste of time and resources, I still believe in the message: Save the Earth. I still plan to turn out my lights; no television, no laptop, no cheating. For me, I take this statement to heart, and my concern is that I may be alone in this, or at least in a very small minority. This small action does not seem to incite the desired awareness, change, or have any impact on the population at large. I want to see results, not just feeble attempts, and it seems that the only way to turn out those lights is by force, like in the Blackout. Despite all of this, I have a small, but burning hope that we will see a darkened skyline tonight at 8:30. I can’t help but wonder… will hope burn out if the lights stay on?


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