March, in like a lion out like a lamb?

Is the old adage of “in like a lion out like a lamb” always applicable to the month of March? I’ve always thought that old sayings like this hang around because there is truth in them, and maybe even wisdom. Now as March comes to a close, I ponder this saying and how it applies to March… and to life. “Things always seem to get worse before they get better” is another oldie, but goodie. And the message presented is really the same. Weather-wise this year it was quite true, the first week of March held wild temperature fluctuations from -16.7 to +16.4 in the Garden City (Celsius because I’m Canadian), along with snow. The last week of March was much milder and, aside from yesterday’s brief flutter of tiny flakes that never even made it to the ground, no snow. Is weather really the main event here? I like to think that there is more to it than that. For me, the winter brings along a brand of sadness, maybe not depression, but a general feeling of low energy and loneliness. In like a lion. The beginning of spring brings a renewed sense of hope and optimism along with the return of the sun. Out like a lamb. I think if you look into your own life you’ll find numerous ways to apply the metaphor of March. Perhaps it is really just about life’s ebbs and flows, ups and downs, highs and lows. I can’t help but wonder… would we appreciate the lambs without the lion’s roar?


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